Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"It's amazing, I'm the reason / Everybody fired up this evening / I'm exhausted, barely breathing / Holding on to what I believe in / No matter what you'll never take that from me / My reign is as far as your eyes can see"
- Kanye West

I've been soul searching a lot these past few days
About who I am and how I navigate through this maze
Called college. UCI. University.
And I heard Kanye's lyrics come to me.
It's amazing, I'm the reason
Everybody fired up this evening.

I used to not be.
I used to be weak.
But somebody saw something in me.

And looking at who I am now, I am so happy to be
What others thought they saw in me.
I'm amazing, yeah I'm all that.
For me, the world puts out a welcome mat.

And so I put out a welcome mat for others
Make em feel like its a place full of brothers
And sisters... so they feel like they belong
Cuz it hurts when you dont, it feels wrong

I felt wrong once.
I felt out of place.
I felt like no one knew my name or cared for my face.
Now I'm amazing.
Now I'm all that.
But its my duty to make others feel welcome, its a fact.
It's a part of my life
What I gotta do
I gotta help others make their life debut
No matter what you'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see.