Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Wave of Understanding...


Gold Year has now officially ended. Royal Year is Here.

Learning new things every day.
Amazing staffers, amazing spoppers.
Everyone felt it. You could see it in our eyes.

The staffers felt what SPOP really is.
The spoppers felt what college really is.

Never stop feeling it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Knock You Down

The past week has been so amazing in terms of lifting me up and putting me down at the same time. And after I get put down, it hurts. It’s frustrating. It stings so bad. But just temporarily… because there is that reminder that someone else can do what I can’t.

But that’s okay.
It’s about being the best at who you are. And with friends who have different strengths, we can conquer the world.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"It's amazing, I'm the reason / Everybody fired up this evening / I'm exhausted, barely breathing / Holding on to what I believe in / No matter what you'll never take that from me / My reign is as far as your eyes can see"
- Kanye West

I've been soul searching a lot these past few days
About who I am and how I navigate through this maze
Called college. UCI. University.
And I heard Kanye's lyrics come to me.
It's amazing, I'm the reason
Everybody fired up this evening.

I used to not be.
I used to be weak.
But somebody saw something in me.

And looking at who I am now, I am so happy to be
What others thought they saw in me.
I'm amazing, yeah I'm all that.
For me, the world puts out a welcome mat.

And so I put out a welcome mat for others
Make em feel like its a place full of brothers
And sisters... so they feel like they belong
Cuz it hurts when you dont, it feels wrong

I felt wrong once.
I felt out of place.
I felt like no one knew my name or cared for my face.
Now I'm amazing.
Now I'm all that.
But its my duty to make others feel welcome, its a fact.
It's a part of my life
What I gotta do
I gotta help others make their life debut
No matter what you'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Embraceable You

I'm sitting in Starbucks listening to this song
It has a good message but I'm feeling all wrong
about "Embraceable You"

I guess its cuz I can't find a guy
Who will take my heart and touch it to the sky
that "Embraceable You"

And a hug or a kiss will do wonders to my soul
Even just that thought puts me on a roll
for that "Embraceable You"

But I won't get my hopes up, I'll sit and wait
Cuz I think that guy will come, it's fate
My "Embraceable You"

Monday, February 2, 2009

I forgot.

it seems, yes it seems that i've kind of forgot.
that i have this tool that i used to write in a lot.
but now my thoughts are less obscure and more clear
the point of this i really wish to hear

i guess its cuz i got people who really listen
who if they disappeared i would certainly be missen
listening to every little thing i say
thinking, questioning, "wait up.. hey, hey."
i feel like this is useful when i really cant speak
its useful when i'm inhibited and meek.
i'm pretty loud now and not really afraid
cz whats the worst that can happen. i dont make it, i miss the grade.
but lifes about the experience
and attitude the difference maker.

keep your chin up.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lessons Learned from 2008 (and the first few days of 2009)

Know Your Limits.

Push Your Limits. We grow the most when we push our limits.

Be Yourself. Be proud of who you are because who you are the best you can be.

Go Big or Go Home. If you’re not going to do something well, don’t do it at all. Your standard should be your best.

No Regrets. Life is here and now. Everything you do makes an impact. Make that impact a great one.